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Shenhua Electric Group (Anhui) Co., Ltd
0550-7855026  7855023
Division of power cables and control cables

The power cable is used to transmit and distribute the electric energy in the main line of the power system, and the control cable can be directly transmitted from the power distribution point of the electric power system to the power supply connection line of all kinds of electric equipment. The rated voltage of the power cable is generally 0.6/1kV and above, the main control cable is 450/750V. The same specifications of the power cable and control cable in the production, the power cable insulation and sheath thickness than the control cable thickness. 9330 is the standard of control cable and power cable standard is the requirement of gb12706. Control cable insulation wire core color are generally black printed wrongly written or mispronounced character, and power cables low-voltage are generally color separation.

Control cable section is generally not more than 10 square, the main power cable is the transmission of electricity, the general is a large section.

  • Shenhua Electric Group (Anhui) Co., Ltd  正版建站推广:千秋在线皖ICP备15014265号-1
  • Tel:0550-7855026  7855023  Fax:0550-2387981  E-mail:admin@ah-sh.net  Address:No. 10, Jingjiu Road, Tianchang Economic Development Zone, Anhui Province